Taking time out from duping rubes into embarrassing
themselves in front of movie cameras,
British actor and comedian Sacha Baron
Cohen will explore his yellow side in
an upcoming episode of The Simpsons.
Entertainment Weekly’s “Hollywood Insider” blog has
the scoop straight from Simpsons producer Al Jean.
“The Greatest Story Ever D’ohed” is tentatively
slated to run on March 28th of next year–
Palm Sunday. The show will have Cohen playing
an Israeli tour guide who crosses paths with
the Simpson family during a church
trip to the Holy Land.

Cohen has a long history of striving to offend
as many people as possible.
While The Simpsons is a long way from the
cultural relevance the show once had,
casting Cohen in a religious-focused episode
airing on a church holy day is bound to raise
a few eyebrows and net a few complaint letters–
not to mention free publicity.
Well played, Simpsons producers.
themselves in front of movie cameras,
British actor and comedian Sacha Baron
Cohen will explore his yellow side in
an upcoming episode of The Simpsons.
Entertainment Weekly’s “Hollywood Insider” blog has
the scoop straight from Simpsons producer Al Jean.
“The Greatest Story Ever D’ohed” is tentatively
slated to run on March 28th of next year–
Palm Sunday. The show will have Cohen playing
an Israeli tour guide who crosses paths with
the Simpson family during a church
trip to the Holy Land.

Cohen has a long history of striving to offend
as many people as possible.
While The Simpsons is a long way from the
cultural relevance the show once had,
casting Cohen in a religious-focused episode
airing on a church holy day is bound to raise
a few eyebrows and net a few complaint letters–
not to mention free publicity.
Well played, Simpsons producers.